The long-awaited track off our latest studio album is finally here – and it’s extra special because it’s our album’s namesake. Another one of my personal favourites, this song was the inspiration behind the entire album, and is where I made the decision to build off this theme of pain and frustration – at both leaders and lovers, and everything in between – and the way those who are on the receiving end of this disappointment.

My process for this track began with an idea, as all great things do. From there, I began trying to get it down on paper to work toward creating a melody, which I usually do either on keyboard or guitar. As you can imagine, this can be quite a lengthy process as I ‘build’ each track up using separate takes with each of the instruments. In addition to all of this, I am also navigating the lyrics trying to find ways to best articulate what our band stands for that relate to the themes and tones of the current track and overall album.

Bringing this album, and my vision of it, to life, has been such a rewarding experience, and I hope that the result has been music that you, as my listeners, not only relate to on a deeper level but has allowed you to feel the passion with which I approach all of my expressive works.

You can check out our latest video here and remember to like, comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

