Every Saint has a past

This song is a thought-provoking reflection on the inescapable nature of one’s past and the eternal struggle between the past and the promise of a new future, with a haunting and introspective tone.

– written, produced and performed by Devine Lie.


Does your past call

Quietly creeping with it’s bouquet

When it does don’t answer

It has nothing New to say

Every Saint has a past

Every Sinner has a future

You can’t hide all your sins

Try real hard

They’re still inside

In the depths of despair

Don’t fret we’ll be there

In the dark of your dreams It’s not all what it seems

Darkness that will not fall

Pain that consumes all Corrupt the pure unsullied mind

Let’s not linger too far behind

Don’t dwell in the past

A new future’s your contrast

You can’t hide all your Sins

Try real hard

They’re still inside

In the depths of despair

Don’t fret we’ll be there

In the dark of your dreams

It’s not all what it seems